Styrking av Nord: Forsvaret og næringsutvikling

Two female panel members stand in front of a presentation to an audience.

Hvordan kan vi best styrke regionen gjennom bedre samarbeid mellom sivilsamfunnet, næringslivet og Forsvaret? Det var tema for Arctic Frontiers Open i Harstad fredag 21. juni. I samarbeid med Troms […]

Urban Sustainability in the Arctic: Young Scientist School

another group of students working together.

Preparing the Future Urban Planners of the Arctic Building smart, sustainable cities requires the collaboration of many stakeholders including local governments, architects, environmental safety experts, meteorologists, social scientists and community […]

Arctic Innovation Week

Arctic Frontiers contributed to the 2023 Arctic Innovation Week, a unique initiative designed to showcase and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the Arctic. From 16 to 22 October stakeholders implemented […]

Science for Kids Program Sets Sail in Tromsø

Kindergarten Children on an imaginary boat trip, extracting samples from the ocean floor

Arctic Frontiers and Nordnorsk Vitensenteret have set the stage for an exciting scientific voyage and joined forces to host the “Science for Kids” program. Running its first Autumn 2023 sessions […]

We Have New Partners: FREYR Battery

Morten Hillman-Brugård, Senior Director of Capital Markets at FREYR, attended the Arctic Frontiers Abroad: USA in Washington DC in September 2022 to discuss innovation in battery technology and the importance of […]


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