Science for Kids- English

Science for Kids is a project meant to spark curiosity for science among children and to promote a positive attitude towards science and research.

Bilde av ca. 15 barn som sitter i ring og forteller om plakaten sin på Science for Kids.

The Science for Kids project takes place in Tromsø and is a collaboration between Arctic Frontiers and the Northern Norwegian Science Center.

The first part of the project is meeting a scientist. In 2023, the kindergartens went on an a field trip to collect and learn more about different plants, animals and birds that can be found along the coast.

Later, the kindergarten personell attend a workshop by the Northern Norwegian Science Center to learn about science communication for young children. Afterwards, the kindergartens work on creating their own research projects.

The kids help selecting topics interesting to them, and the groups create relevant hypotheses and experiments together. Topics range from the origin of wind to whether snot is healthy or not.

At the end of the project, the kindergartens make a poster which is presented by the children. Finally, they attend a science show and celebrate their work.


Read in Norwegian
Et barn holder en gul ballong foran to andre barn som smiler. De to barna styrer ballongen med luft fra en "luftkanon".

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Science for Kids støttes av Samfunnsløftet.


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