Where can you find us? At the High North Dialogue Conference

Bodø , Norway

Arctic Frontiers Executive Director, Anu Fredrikson, will be attending the High North Dialogue conference in Bodø, Norway from April 18. to 20. Anu will present the award to the High North Hero.

Where can you find us? At the European Geoscience Union (EGU)

Vienna , Austria

Arctic Frontiers senior advisor for science, Jenny Turton, will be present at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) conference in Vienna from April 24. to 28. at the Vienna Centre in Austria. We will take part in a number of short courses, panel discussions and present our education and outreach activities at the conference.

Arctic Frontiers Abroad Canada

Ottawa and Montreal , Canada

Norway, Canada and Sustainable Development: A Case Study on Blue Economy. Canada and Norway have the longest and second longest coastlines in the world, with a combined length of approximately 344,000 kilometres. Both countries have unutilized potential for ocean growth, and both have strong policy, research and business developments in the blue economy sector. Read […]

Arctic Frontiers Abroad Finland

Helsinki , Finland

Can the Arctic Become a New Marketplace for Data Communications? Digital connectivity is a prerequisite for modern development. In the Arctic, digital connectivity plays an even bigger role as many communities are distant, sparsely populated, and challenging to reach due to, among others, harsh weather conditions. However, the Arctic also presents many advantages for becoming […]

Arctic Partnership Week, South Korea

Busan, South Korea

Arctic Frontiers and the Korean Maritime Institute are hosting a session titled “Blue technology for ocean and ice observations“

Science for Schools Conference

Nordnorsk Vitensenter Tromsø, Norway

The Science for Schools conference gathers 10th graders and high schoolers from around Tromsø in Nordnorsk Vitensenter. Students meet young researchers and present their own research projects. The purpose of Science for Schools is to convey new research and engage the younger generation in Arctic issues. Additionally, we aim to create an arena where young […]

Arctic Frontiers Student Forum

Tromsø, Norway

The Arctic Frontiers Student Forum 2024 brings together students from Northern Norwegian and Northern Finnish universities to meet in Tromsø, Norway to increase capacity and network amongst Arctic youth. During the course of the programme week the participants get the opportunity to partake in cross-cultural exchange, develop their own visions for the future of the […]

Arctic Frontiers 2024: Actions & Reactions

We know that climate change is happening and why, but there is a lack of action, only reaction. Simultaneously, global developments in geopolitics, security, and green transition force the Arctic to react. The Arctic has bountiful resources and a strategic location, both of global significance. But what does it take to incite proactive measures? We […]


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