Side Events at Arctic Frontiers 2022

Read more about the Side Event sessions during Arctic Frontiers 2023: Moving North

There were 15 Side Events at Arctic Frontiers 2022: Pathways. On this page, you will find their titles and chairs.

  • Race to the (Seabed) Bottom – Realities and Sustainability Dilemmas in the Demand for Minerals. Chaired by Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub.
  • Sustainable Industrial Development in Arctic Areas, Based on Renewable Energy. Chaired by Øst-Finnmarkrådet/ East -Finnmark Regional Council.
  • Developing joint emergency management capabilities- the role of training and exercises. Chaired by Nord University
  • Charting the Translocal Arctic: Environmental, Infrastructural, Social Interconnections. Chaired by NTNU Arctic.
  • GoNorth: Exploring the Arctic Ocean. Chaired by SINTEF.
  • Turning Science Into Policy for a Sustainable Arctic – How to Cope with an Arctic Ecosystem Under Multiple Pressures? Chaired by AMAP and NILU.
  • Workshop on the Arctic Blue Bioeconomy. Chaired by Biotech North and Troms and Finnmark County Council.
  • Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Culture as Important Contributors to Resilient Arctic Communities. Chaired by Arctic Arts Summit.
  • Pathways to Enhancing Arctic Resilience. Chaired by UiT- The Arctic University of Norway and Nord University.
  • Pathways to Impact: From Science to Policy to Impact in the Arctic. Chaired by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research.
  • Green Transition in the Arctic – Tromsø and EU Mission on 100 Climate-Neutral Cities by 2030. What Does it Take? Chaired by UiT- The Arctic University of Norway and Tromsø Municipality.
  • The Ocean Decade and the Need for Ocean Knowledge. Chaired by the Research Council of Norway.
  • Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network: Science Diplomacy Strategy and Practice for Arctic, Russia, UN, and Ocean Policy. Chaired by UiT- The Arctic University of Norway.
  • Mohn Price: Arctic Weather and Climate Change: Impact and Consequences for Society. Chaired by UiT- The Arctic University of Norway.
  • Russia’s War on Ukraine: Implications for the Arctic Council and Arctic Governance. The Arctic Council and Wilson Center.


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