Alina Kovalenko is a PhD candidate in Business at Nord University and a Research Fellow at Centre for High North Logistics, Norway. She is currently finalising her thesis. Her research is a feasibility analysis of commercial shipping via Polar Routes (focus on the Northeast Passage). Alina participates in teaching activities on courses such as “Arctic Logistics” and “Transport and Logistics”. She is also involved in the UTFORSK Project “Logistical and environmental management of natural resources, development, and transportation in the Arctic area” in cooperation with Molde University College-Specialized university in Logistics. Alina is interested in learning more about the green shift in the Arctic in the area of transportation and networking with other Arctic researchers and professionals.
In the future, she plans to extend her research, paying much more attention to the environment and will continue to contribute to the development of education and research in the areas of Business and Logistics in the Arctic.