Session 4: Moving to the mixed solutions
Energy security is a pressing global concern, and the acceleration of green energy development is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. The war in Ukraine has demonstrated that energy and security policies are intertwined. There is a call for stronger energy independency, multimodality and local energy production closer to the consumer and even by the consumer. What should be the strategy of the Arctic countries in terms of energy – regionally, nationally and internationally in this changed global environment? Are we moving from a “one provider” and “one source of energy” mentality to mixed solutions? Can off-grid solutions, local energy production and optimisation be “a new big thing” for the Arctic and from the Arctic?
NIMBY-ism (not in my backyard) is also gaining ground in the Arctic. Conflicts related to land use, traditional livelihoods and biodiversity are discussed widely across the region. How can we mitigate the impacts of energy-related developments and approach these challenges in a constructive way? Can multimodality and the bringing of energy production closer to users ensure that the energy transition also leads to regional value creation?